💎Register Web3 Domains from your Web3 TLD

Learn how to register Web3 Domains from your Web3 TLD

As the owner of a Top-Level Web3 Domain you can register Web3 Domains as ERC721 NFTs from your Web3 TLD.

For example, if you owned .designs , you can register as many Web3 Domains using your .designs Web3 TLD. Such as steve.designs, 123.designs, ❤️.designs

These Web3 Domains will be registered to the wallet that owns your Web3 TLD and can transferred to other wallets or sold on any NFT marketplace.

For each Web3 Domain registration, there is a $2 USD service fee payable upon registration.

If you wish to allow other users to register Web3 Domains from your Web3 TLD, you'll need to either :

How to Register Web3 Domains from your Top-Level Web3 Domain (Web3 TLD)

To Register Web3 Domains from your Web3 TLD, head to the DNS Platform : dns.decentraweb.org and connect the wallet which owns your Web3 TLD.

Select My Domains from the My Account Dropdown

Select the Web3 TLD you'd like to register Web3 Domains against by pressing the eye icon to view

Select Registrations

Select Add New Sub Domain (SLD) +

This opens up a field to enter the domain you'd like to register against your Web3 TLD

Enter the domain you'd like to register and select whether you'd like this Web3 Domain to have no expiry or be renewable.

When opting for renewable, you'll need to define the yearly renewal fee and select how many years of registration the Web3 Domain has at time of registration.

You can register multiple Web3 Domains at once with a limit of 20 per transaction

When you're ready to register, select Commit To Register and process the transaction within your wallet.

For each Web3 Domain registration, there is a $2 USD service fee payable in addition to network gas fees.

Upon completion of the transaction, you'll be able to see your Web3 Domains registered against your Web3 TLD 🎉

Last updated