About DWEB Token

The $DWEB token plays a central role in the Decentraweb ecosystem.

Purchasing & Renewing Top-Level Domains with $DWEB

Decentraweb's $DWEB Token can be used to receive 50% off Top-Level Web3 Domain registrations. When purchasing a Top-Level Web3 Domain through Decentraweb you can opt to use $DWEB Token at checkout. By doing so, you will pay $50 USD in $DWEB for the registration, rather than to $100 USD in Ethereum.

By using $DWEB Tokens for Top-Level Domain renewals, you can also receive 50% off yearly renewal fees. Paying in $DWEB means TLD renewals are $50 USD in $DWEB per year, rather than $100 USD in Ethereum.

Last updated